I explore the nature of existence - aware awareness - thereby, revealing its nature - however corrupted by the limitations of my local ecosystem - with as much fidelity as possible.


I am, and always have been, profoundly and unshakeably focused on the fundamental nature of existence, and how to live in alignment with it.

My current learning environment is within the experiential and interactional practice of psychoenergetics and intuition. 

Here, i engage with, both, pedantic and intuited skills and methods that direct subtle energies - primarily, the energies of intention and belief - in an attempt to neutralize and harmonize my own and others' energy fields (physical, emotional, and auric).

Are any of these things 'real?' Am I truly reorganizing the energy of a local entity - a 'human?' Are the manipulations I'm performing truly effective?  Is this form-dimension work truly necessary, or does a reconnection with one's true nature - aware awareness - have the same effect in a more efficient way?

Or, is it true that, as awareness manifest in form, we must negotiate the dyanmics of this form and its related manifestations in order to 'survivie' and / or flourish?  In other words, is it the case that a fully awakened human is not necessarily a functional one - that a functional and flourishing 'human energy body' requires care, containment, and sovereignty?

Is subtle energy real?  Are subtle energy and dark matter the same things? Are remote viewing, telekenesis, & co. all possible via the engagement of subtle energy and / or are they due to the oneness and timelessness of consciousness; that is, the illusion of spacetime and separation?