Welcome to Traces of our Shared Knowing-Not-Knowing

The "creation-" / allowing nature of love compells experiment100b (just one of an infintesimal number of "experiments," or consciously aware manifestations) to share, in this space-of-no-space, the resulting traces of aware awareness / knowing-not-knowing.

Though these traces - infintesimal vibrations - initially develop through the focus of a particular consciousness, when met with your gaze, these hints of something-nothing transform. Through the resonance with your own particular aspect, you recognize anew; thus, recreate the art you see.

Experiment100b humbly offers these snapshots of experience as, perhaps, potential opportunities for you to meditate on the articulated silence of being - on the transpiring of consciousness.

These dances of perception and form - these "allowings" - these meditations - are a reflection of us / you - your nature - your rhythms, contrasts, and paradoxes, your energies, movements, depths, and breadth. 

These art-forms embody the nature of nature - the nature of you. Their manifestations emerge as traces of us / you - being - infinite potential.

If any of these traces strike you / call you, it's recommended that you spend time with them, as they're likely reverberating with the nature of your knowing. 

You might approach each image as yourself - knowing-not-knowing silence - allowing the trace's aspects and whole to enter you, touch your depths, and speak to you there. "Hear," see, embody the unnamed truths you find, not through conception, but through the sense of wonder that captivates via an ungraspable recognition. 

In short: indulge, here and everywhere, in the awareness / wonder / love that you are.