Link to experimental process series
Experimental variables
process of inquiry, visual capture, and viewer opportunity
Experimental question
Can combining still images into film demonstrate the process of inquiry more effectively than a fixed series of still images? Does an image shown without words present more opportunity for the viewer’s own experience?
Experimental design
Film and series of still images were presented in different posts without words or titles as a way of offering the fullest potential for viewers to impose their own meaning and questioning onto the images.
Experimental variables
process of inquiry, visual capture, and viewer opportunity
Experimental question
Can combining still images into film demonstrate the process of inquiry more effectively than a fixed series of still images? Does an image shown without words present more opportunity for the viewer’s own experience?
Experimental design
Film and series of still images were presented in different posts without words or titles as a way of offering the fullest potential for viewers to impose their own meaning and questioning onto the images.